XXL Zen GStar Shryke

If you thought the stock Star Shryke stamp was cool, oh boy, you’re gonna love our latest Zen Series design featuring the cute, but bloodthirsty bird in a two-color design by Marm O. Set.

*Read the entire story about the disc and Marm O. Set’s artwork at the DGU Blog!

More about the Shryke disc:

Released in 2016, the Shryke gained popularity quickly because of its ease of use. A mild high-speed turn puts the Shryke in glide mode, which along with its high aerodynamic speed, give it incredible distance.

This batch: Across the Zen Series Shryke plastics, most have a healthy amount of dome with some being quite poppy.

More about the design

Marm O. Set wanted to illustrate that idea of the shrike bird being an unexpected killer. It looks like most other birds when you look at the head, but when your eyes reach the feet you can tell it isn’t one to be trifled with.